» » Christian - Staffel 1

Christian - Staffel 1

Italien, 2022, 50 min
Serien / Komödie / Krimi / Drama / Mystery
  • Regisseur:
    Enrico Audenino, Valerio Cilio, Roberto Saku Cinardi
  • Darsteller:
    Edoardo Pesce, Claudio Santamaria, Giordano De Plano, Silvia D'Amico, Lina Sastri, Gabriel Montesi, Antonio Bannò, Francesco Colella, Giulio Beranek
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Christian - Staffel 1 kostenlos Stream serien deutsch bei MEGAKino

Christian lives in a "city-palace" where he earns his living doing dirty work for LINO, the criminal boss of neighborhood. When stigmata appear on his hands, Christian finds physically impossible to carry out his work, but also discovers he has gained mysterious healing powers to fight against Lino. But MATTEO, a mysterious Vatican postulator in search of signs and confirmations, is tracking him down bringing too close to a truth that could upset his life and that of the whole world.

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