» » WatchMe - Sex sells - Staffel 1

WatchMe - Sex sells - Staffel 1

Deutschland, 2023, 106 min
Serien / Drama
  • Regisseur:
  • Darsteller:
    Maddy Forst, Michelangelo Fortuzzi, Anna Werner Friedmann, Simon Mantei, Agnes Decker, Robin Gooch, Kotti Yun, Bruno Camillo Bandelier, Liam Ben Ari
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A couple, a mother, a body activist - they all earn their money on an Internet platform for pornographic content: "WatchMe". While Tim (Michelangelo Fortuzzi) tries to live up to the great ambitions of his boyfriend Josh (Simon Mantei), Toni (Anna Werner Friedmann) lives out a previously undiscovered side of her. Although she now feels electrified, she is also confronted with prejudice. The feminist plus-size activist Malaika (Maddy Forst), on the other hand, wants to benefit at least financially from the sexualization she is exposed to every day anyway - according to her own rules. But she quickly has to ask herself whether this is even possible.

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