» » Vivant - Staffel 1 *Subbed*

Vivant - Staffel 1 *Subbed*

Japan, 2023, 60 min
Serien / Drama
  • Regisseur:
    Iida Kazutaka, Miyuki Ogata
  • Darsteller:
    Masato Sakai, Hiroshi Abe, Fumi Nikaido, Tori Matsuzaka, Kazunari Ninomiya, Koji Yakusho, Ryo Ryusei, Kento Hayashi, Rin Takanashi
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Yusuke Nogi of Ryosho's Energy Development Division said that 10 times the official down payment was mistakenly sent to GFL, a local infrastructure company involved in a solar energy plant to be built in the Balkan Republic in Central Asia. Suspected of involvement, he heads to the Balkan Republic to collect the difference of $90 million. With the cooperation of his CIA friend Sam, Nogi obtained information that the terrorist al-Zaer had laundered the full amount of the contract money into diamonds and brought it out.

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