» » Sing mir das Lied der Rache

Sing mir das Lied der Rache

Spanien, Italien, 1973, 83 min
Kinofilme / Western
  • Regisseur:
    Mario Bianchi
  • Darsteller:
    William Berger, Frank Braña, Sergio Ciani, Karin Well, Fernando Bilbao, Gilberto Galimberti, Celine Bessy, Francisco Sanz, Ettore Ribotta
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Macedo, bloodthirsty leader of a gang of Confederates shoots the captain of the Northerners, Jeff Mallighan, known as "Fast Hand", shattering his right hand. Jeff, wounded on the ground, could not see the face of the villain, but his silver spurs have stuck in his mind as well as his unique gun. Some time after this event Macedo continues with his misdeeds, however, a mysterious horseman dressed in black will stand in his way.

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